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Last updated
24 August 2012



A Little bit about us: FOF
Friends of the Farewell is a non-profit group...a grassroots online community that unites residents of Clarington with an interest in environmental issues. All of us at FOF are dedicated to providing you with the most comprehensive, up-to-date information on environmental issues impacting Clarington available. Thanks for joining our community, and if you have any comments or questions or need more information, please contact us (click on mailbox below).

We are group of people who believe that we have right to live in healthy environment and we also believe that our basic needs, WATER, AIR and SOIL should be protected. These three elements contribute to the quality of our lives. We need water for irrigation, transportation, industry, recreation but also for swimming, boating, canoeing, fishing and most of all for keeping us alive. Most of these actions lower our water quality and we are undervaluing this resource by abusing it. The water quality should be everybody's business because we all draw from the same supply of water.

The apparent abundance of water is deceptive and our daily wastes flow into our streams, lakes, rivers and oceans. Water can "digest" some waste, but there is a limit for everything. For more information on water read on the internet Freshwater Series A-4, A-3 by Environment Canada, 1993. All the above information is their findings.

Durham Region has usually the highest AIR pollution. Why? It is not only the industry and our cars that produce carbon dioxide and other pollutants that go directly to our atmosphere. It is also deforestation of Region. There is only one thing in our modern society that can absorb carbon dioxide we are producing and that thing is the TREE. So far, we don't have any other devices for cleaning our air and yet, we are cutting, burning and clearing the only living thing that is helping us to do that. In exchange the tree gives us oxygen we need for breathing. Durham Region until few years ago was quite forested, but lately, the large wooded areas were cleared. Some significant larger woodlots should have been left for our sake. But that is not the case in Durham Region. We haven't seen the end of clearing the remaining remnant of woodlots. They are essential not only for cleaning the air but also important for groundwater recharge for creeks. Only treed areas can retain moisture, store it and release it to our streams that are maintaining water supply for the Lake Ontario our source of our drinking water. That is why we think that trees should not be treated as our enemies but our friends. The wildlife of any kind living in our area are helping to keep it clean and healthy without any charge; they collect pests, replant, fertilize, etc.

Soil pollution enters into ground as a result of activities like building, using fertilizers, pesticides, etc., and sooner or later into the groundwater which supply our lakes and our drinking water.

We are trying to protect these three basic resources, but the power of money, greed and the thought that there are enough of woodlands, streams to get rid of is overpowering our cause. The latest physical proof that something is wrong with all three resources, is not being taken seriously, therefore we must take our own actions to protect our basic need for life. Some people do not comprehend that their actions influence other people’s lives. AWARENESS OF WHAT IS HAPPENING in our area IS OUR MAIN GOAL. Your involvement in any possible way will help. WE ALL HAVE TO DRINK THE SAME WATER, BREATH THE SAME AIR AND EAT THE SAME PRODUCTS OUR SOIL SUPPLY US WITH.

JOIN US and help each other.

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